The Pakistani websites of Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, Visa, HSBC, Coca Cola, Blogspot, Sony, HP, eBay and PayPal have been hacked and defaced.  —  According to The Hackers Media, the sites have been defaced by a group of Turkish hackers.
Turkish hackers have reportedly taken down the Google Pakistan search page and 277 other website pages, and in one case left users an image of two penguins walking across a bridge,Apple, Yahoo and Microsoft’s Pakistani sites were among those hacked by the group and had to be taken down by the respective site owners.
On, instead of a Google logo and search bar, the hackers left the page with a black layout and an image of two penguins walking on a bridge.

They also kept a message in Turkish on the page, the website reported

They also left a message ‘Pakistan downed’ at the bottom of the page, 


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